Post-bankruptcy: Beware of credit repair scams

Credit is one of the main concerns individuals have when they file bankruptcy. They fret over how bankruptcy will impact their credit, credit score, and many future opportunities that involve credit, such as obtaining a mortgage. After receiving a fresh start through their bankruptcy discharge, people look for ways they can improve their credit so…

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What is a reaffirmation agreement?

Filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy can help individuals find the relief they need from the debt that weighs on their shoulders. However, the bankruptcy process can involve several additional details, documents and agreements, that can make this process even more complex. So, let’s take a look at one such agreement that individuals might use during their…

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How could bankruptcy affect a veteran’s disability benefits?

Unfortunately, the soldiers who dedicate their lives to serving our country often face significant financial struggles after they complete their duty. These struggles only become more of a challenge for veterans who have disabilities. Bankruptcy can help many people, including veterans, find the debt relief they deserve. However, many veterans might wonder how filing Chapter…

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What you should know about the bankruptcy trustee’s role in Chapter 7 cases

When someone files a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, a trustee is appointed to administer the bankruptcy estate. Understanding the chapter 7 trustee’s role in bankruptcy can help individuals prepare for the process and know what to expect. Here is a brief overview of the trustee’s role in Chapter 7 bankruptcy. A quick note Every individual in New Mexico…

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