A look at credit counseling: What is it?

Before filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy in New Mexico, it is a requirement for individuals to complete a credit counseling course. Considering bankruptcy can already be a stressful decision, but entering into it prepared can help relieve some of that stress. So, here is an overview of how mandatory credit counseling works. Counseling helps individuals understand their…

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When could my discharge be denied?

The bankruptcy discharge is what gives individuals a fresh start. The court issues a discharge that frees individuals from repaying their debts. Many people believe that they will receive their discharge automatically. And sometimes that is the case. However, there are a few instances that could result in the bankruptcy court denying someone’s discharge. Understanding…

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Tips for handling creditor harassment

Falling behind on loans and other payments is extremely stressful. And that stress only increases when creditors begin harassing individuals to make up for missed payments. This harassment can increase if someone does not have the assets to pay their debts. The first thing that anyone facing creditor harassment in New Mexico should know is…

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In debt? Leave your retirement account alone.

Almost everyone in New Mexico and across the country spends years saving up for retirement. 401(k)s and other retirement accounts are often a person’s most valuable assets, thanks to the long-term contributions that they and their employer make. When people run into significant financial challenges, it can be tempting to dip into one’s retirement fund…

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