Should you choose Chapter 7 or Chapter 13?

Filing for bankruptcy is an intensely personal decision that requires careful consideration. Once you decide to file, you must next choose whether Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 is best for your unique situation. An experienced bankruptcy attorney can help you decide which option will give you the best outcome depending on your circumstances. Regardless of…

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Recovering from bankruptcy

When you are thinking about filing for bankruptcy, you may find yourself wondering about what the long-term impact will be. You might worry you won’t ever be able to have a credit card, buy a new car or get a mortgage. Thankfully, these worries are unfounded. All of these things are possible following a Chapter…

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Tax debt and bankruptcy discharge

Most debtors assume that tax debt, like student loan debt, are simply non-dischargeable even while many other types of debts are. What most don’t realize, though, is that while that is generally true, particularly for Chapter 13 filings, it might be possible to discharge limited tax debts under certain circumstances in a Chapter 7. So,…

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How overdraft fees can get you into trouble

Of the annoying fees that banks charge for the “privilege” of accessing your money, overdraft fees are arguably the most nerve-wracking. Most banks charge $35.00 for each purchase that exceeds the amount currently in the account, on top of the actual cost of the offending purchase. So that $4.00 mocha frappuccino that overdrafts your account…

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What can you do after a judgment?

People embroiled in financial difficulties may have more to deal with than just past due credit card bills and the threat of foreclosure. They may also be tied up in lawsuits where the specter of a large judgment is present. Consumers in this situation may think that the judgment may ruin them forever, and that…

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