Enforcement of Judgments in New Mexico

When a plaintiff sues a defendant to recover monies owed by the defendant and eventually succeeds in winning the suit, an award of damages is incorporated in to the judgment of the court identifying the exact amount of the judgment and whether any court costs, attorney’s fees and interest may also be part of the…

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New Mexico Law on Garnishment Withholding

In the previous blog post, the question of whether filing bankruptcy can stop a garnishment collection was addressed.  As discussed, many types of garnishments can be stopped by the mere filing of a bankruptcy case because an automatic stay will effectively suspend, if not end, any such collection. However, recovery of some priority debts via…

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Getting Past the Automatic Stay in Bankruptcy

One of the most important features of the bankruptcy process is the automatic stay, which stops those from collecting debts from the party filing for bankruptcy protection. Specifically, under 11 U.S. Code § 362, the filing of a bankruptcy petition operates as a stay of: (1)… a judicial, administrative, or other action or proceeding against…

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New Mexico Unfair Practices Act Utilized by Victim of Improperly-Conducted Repossession

A particular repossession of an automobile belonging to a Rio Rancho resident who, in fact, had defaulted on his car loan, fell afoul of New Mexico’s Unfair Practices Act (“UPA”), according to a recent United States District Court ruling. The court’s opinion in Duke v. Garcia, No. 11-CV-784-BRB/RHS (U.S. Dist. Ct. D. N.M. 2014) shows…

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