Real Estate
New Mexico’s Well Statute Not Unconstitutional
When a citizen of any state contends his or her rights are impaired because a particular statute of law conflicts with or violates a federal or state constitutional provision, that citizen has the opportunity to raise that issue in the appropriate court. In New Mexico, the state constitution addresses the important issue of water use…
Read MoreThe Only Way to Reach My Property
In a case in which it was difficult to determine the entire history of a particular tract of property, the New Mexico Court of Appeals found that the plaintiffs, the Los Vigiles Land Grant and Mike Martinez, had the right to use an adjoining parcel of property to access and depart their own property. The…
Read MoreAs a Homeowner in New Mexico, Can the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) Help Me?
In the early period of the financial crisis in March 2009, the federal government instituted the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) to help homeowners who were either facing foreclosure or who owed more on their mortgages than what their home was valued at. Since then, the program has evolved in to serving a variety of…
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